I can’t deny it – I love when our clients ask if their cute little girls can “dress up” in some of the GT Studios wardrobe for their photo sessions. We have an ever growing supply of beautiful dresses, tutus and various props. However, not all our clients want to wear dresses!! Sometimes they just want… Continue reading Not always dressed in a dress!
Tag: natural light
The Face Of GT Studios is Growing Up
A lot of people ask us about the little face on our GT Studios business cards, logo, Avatar, etc. They want to know who she is and how she came to be “The Face” that we chose. Little Miss C has been a part of our lives since she was a baby. She has always… Continue reading The Face Of GT Studios is Growing Up
Off The Wall Ukuleles
January is traditionally a time to look forward and make plans for the rest of the year – don’t get me wrong – we at GT Studios have been doing a lot of that this month – but we thought it was also a great time to look back at the year that was and… Continue reading Off The Wall Ukuleles
The Great Outdoors
Graham and I are not really camping people! So, when we suggest an outdoor photo experience it is more than likely going to be with a lovely client dressed in a gorgeous outfit, and we do our best to make them them feel super special and let nature speak for itself. Don’t get me wrong, we… Continue reading The Great Outdoors
Is that for me?
I love this photo of Miss T! I think she can say a lot with her eyes. In fact most people can speak with their eyes if they want to. To me, this photo is a question – “Is that for me?” Some others might interpret it differently, that is the beauty of photography. I… Continue reading Is that for me?
A New Year – A New Theme
Happy New Year Everyone! Graham and I decided that with the new year we should have a new theme to our web site. We will be redeveloping most of the pages and information in the near future but wanted to get a feel for the way people reacted to the theme first. We would love… Continue reading A New Year – A New Theme
Parasols or Sunbrellas?
Sometimes during our photo sessions – suddenly – as if from nowhere – my prop box appears! All sorts of goodies can be found but I have discovered that my parasols – or “sunbrellas” as one adorable little cutie called them – are very popular! I love to use hats, flowers, headbands, parasols, feathers, fans and… Continue reading Parasols or Sunbrellas?