As 2016 comes to an end Graham and I would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank You” to all our wonderful clients, our family and friends, the fantastic business people that we have been involved with and all the amazing new friends that we have made this year. The support and love that we have felt has been incredible.

This year has been quite the ride for us, both in our personal lives and as GT Studios. As an extended family we have dealt with illness and loss but also had the opportunity to celebrate many milestones and new life too!

GT Studios was also officially given life this year and although both Graham and I have been involved with photography in some way since our teenage years it has been a real dream come true to finally make our dream a reality and make this passion of ours in to a business we can proudly call our own.

As the year has progressed we have had the most amazing experiences. We have met wonderful people and have really enjoyed getting to know them.

We have continued to expand our photographic services, we had our first market experience in October and of course we have made time for regular on going education through out the year.

In 2017 we hope to expand further, we will be making some changes, hopefully for the better! In the meantime, please continue to like and share our blog posts and Facebook posts. We love when you leave comments and feedback on Facebook. You are our voice in this big wide world and we appreciate all your support.
Thank you all once again, we wish you a wonderful 2017, we hope you have a year filled with exciting opportunities. Make wonderful memories every day, and on the special days let us capture life’s moments for you! Contact Karen or Graham for a free consultation to discuss your next Life Moment that needs capturing.