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As we get back in to the swing of work and the daily routine of every day life I started to think about all the distractions that are part of our life these days. Staying focused is not only great advice for photographers but great advice for everyone who wants to move forward or be challenged or grow this year.
Earlier this week we were fortunate enough to have some time to wander through our beautiful Adelaide Botanic Garden. A favourite spot of mine, somewhere that I could spend hours soaking up the beauty and trying hard to capture the atmosphere and charm so that we can then share it with others. We had limited time this day and so I had to remind myself that I did not have hours but had to remain totally focused on the reason why I went there. This time of year is perfect for the Amazonian Lily, the Sacred Lotus and as it happens the rather pungent smelling Corpse flower was on the verge of flowering yet again!!
As we stood on the edge of the Nelumbo Pond I remarked to Graham that my challenge this year was to capture a different photo from previous years. I wanted to have something that showed the sacredness of this beautiful plant. Well, I am quite happy with my images but today’s feature photo is not mine but one that Graham took that day.
“Finding the Prize through the Leaves” does exactly what today’s blog is about. It highlights the sacredness of the lotus, it shows the importance of staying focused and hints at the leaves as the distractions that could so easily pull us away from what is important in our life whether that is the people, our job or some other goal or passion. I hope you find your prize through the leaves this year.
All our images are available to purchase. Contact Karen or Graham for details.