As we approach the middle of June we are still being greeted with the most glorious of sunny, blue sky days – I can hardly believe it is Winter. The reality is – we can’t ever be sure of the weather when we book a photo experience, no matter how much planning goes in to the session the one thing we can not guarantee is the weather on the day.

Many people are put off by Winter but in fact some of the most beautiful photo opportunities come at this time of year. At the moment there are still the end of Autumn scenes to be had so if you get in quick you may just get that photo surrounded by golden toned crunchy leaves. If you leave it for a few weeks you can be all rugged up in winter woollies – looking as snug as a bug! If you take a look at some of the other posts you will see I have a passion for parasols – umbrellas look just as good – if you get caught in a shower it doesn’t really mater!

The alternative to an outdoor photo experience in Winter is to book your session in one of our studio opportunities. We have two studio set ups that give quite different outcomes. Depending on your dream for your wall art and imagination we can set the studio accordingly. Christmas in July is always a popular option!

If you would like to discover more about what GT Studios can do for you call Karen or Graham today. If you would prefer we call you simply go to our contact page and email us with your contact details and a little bit about what you might be interested in – we would love to chat to you soon.