There are many milestones in our lives, lots deserve to be captured as special moments and preserved as treasured memories for the future. A first birthday is one of those milestones and a great way of capturing the moment is with a Cake Smash photo session.

We had the pleasure of joining the gorgeous Miss Ella on the weekend and helped her capture this milestone with some amazing images! I wont lie to you – it was not all laughter and smiles – as the pictures will reveal – but the end result was an experience that Miss Ella and her parents will always remember and hopefully cherish.

The session went through the full range of emotions from shy, quiet, reserved, surprised, unsure , guilty about playing with her food, satisfaction of feeling the cream between her fingers, joy about not being told off then crying because she couldn’t eat her cake and keep it too!

Ella is a gentle sole – she did not smash her cake as some one year olds would. She cautiously touched the surface and was not too sure about this whole experience. However, the milestone has been reached, she has had her first birthday and we captured the moment for her. Thankfully she will have many more “firsts” and hopefully we will be given the opportunity to capture some of these too!

If you or someone you know has a special milestone in the future let us help you to make memories that last by Capturing Life’s Momenets – contact Karen or Graham today – any age is ok for a cake smash, any “first” is a valid excuse for a photo session – don’t let the moment pass and live with regret! We offer a pre and post session consultation as part of the service.