Sometimes a prop can transform a photo experience to a different time and place. This beautiful Pathein parasol from Myanmar did exactly that for this photo session.

Sitting on the edge of the olive grove Miss C was able to tell us that it was a gift from her Farmor and Papa.

Instead of a fairy fluttering through the forest with her spectacular wings she became a more focused and reflective subject.

Miss C has quite a passion for parasols and umbrellas. We have in fact had the pleasure of being asked to take her photo previously with several different parasols and umbrellas, but this one was the most beautiful I think.

At the end of the day, Miss C had to change back in to her own clothes ready to go home. She noticed me showing her Mummy and Daddy some of the new items in my prop box – “Oooh what’s that?” she asked. “A flouro pink tutu” I answered. “Can I try it on?” she asked. So we popped it on over the top of her clothes she was already dressed in. She swooped up her parasol and rushed back to Graham before he packed up – “May I please have some more photos with this?”….

If you have a prop you would like to use in a photo experience why not book a session at the Pop-up Photo Shoot in the Park on September 18th. Only 2 weeks to go – Bookings Essential – Don’t Miss Out. Details here. Email, PM, SMS or call to save your preferred time on the day – one morning session still available, afternoon sessions available till 4.30pm