Vintage Glamour

Girls and Parasols

As promised on our Facebook Page, we have featured some images of three of our favourite models from the Photography Field Day that was held at the Adelaide Biplanes Aldinga Airfield Vintage Day.

We had a fantastic day, had a great opportunity to meet some amazing people and take lots of photos. Cass Jayde, Janice and Skye have kindly allowed us to share some of the images on our web page and our FaceBook page.

Cass Jayde
The lovely Cass Jayde standing in front of one of the Vintage planes 
The Super Skye with the Super Cub
Vintage Planes & Models Photography Field Day Adelaide
The lovely Janice with one of “Those Magnificent Men And Their Flying Machines” at the Photography Field Day Adelaide Biplanes Aldinga

Models: Janice, Skye, Cass Jayde